To the Members of the Indiana Elks Association,
April and I wish to thank, in advance, all the members of the Indiana Elks Association for their support and cooperation during the upcoming year. I am amazed how quickly the last 5 years have passed. It seems like only a few short months ago that I began this Journey as 5th Vice President representing the SW District. Now, we move on to our future.
My motto for the coming year is “Be the Difference”. We are looking forward to visiting all the Lodges in the State. As we travel, I will be looking to see what each Lodge is doing in their local community. I know that communities are different and what works in one, may not be successful in another. We, as Lodges, need to be adaptable and willing to try new things that might benefit our community.
A good way to support our local community is with the Elks National Foundation CIP Grants. There are several Lodges in our great State that utilize them, but Lodges can do better. By not applying for grants, Lodges leave a lot of money on the table every year. This money could be a big help to your local community.
April and I want you to “Be the Difference” at your local level. Transparency is something that members always desire and that all Lodges and Districts need to strive for. All members should be included on the team. As President of the IEA Executive Board, I will be pushing for transparency at the State level. I want everyone to know what we are doing and how your money is being spent.
One of my goals for this year is to increase donations to the Indiana National Service Committee/Parade of Nickels. April and I are part of a long line of military veterans. April was raised as an Army Brat. I, myself, am not a veteran but I work for a military contractor. Many members of my family are Veterans. My grandfathers served in WWI & WWII. My dad is career military. I had an Uncle that served in Korea & Vietnam. National Service & patriotism runs deep in my family. April and I want to help “Be the Difference” and to help our Veterans statewide. April and I, will be taking donations and raising money throughout this year for Veterans.
As most of you already know, I do not feel like I am any better than anyone else. Though I have the honor of being State President, I am still the same old “Fatz”. I am continuing to serve my local Lodge as Secretary, as well as holding positions in the Southwest District. We all wear a lot of hats….nothing wrong with that! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Keep striving to “Be the Difference”.
Yours in Elkdom,
Rob “FATZ” Whitaker, PDDGER
Indiana Elks State President 2024-25